Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Activism Schmactivism

Many people complain because of the horrible news stories they are constantly bombarded with when they turn on the TV or read the newspaper. Personally, I find there to be an even greater enemy on the general well-being of the species. Yes, I'm talking about activism and its often excessive incarnations.

As I've written before, I place great value on our ability to make our own choices. Most of us are intelligent enough to consider the impact of our actions and make those kinds of decisions that generally limit any negative impact upon ourselves and even others. I have a huge problem with some of the numerous groups seeking for attention today with their so-called 'causes.' I mean, think about how many there are: vegetarianism, environmentalism, save the ozone layer, ban trans-fats, no frankenfood, and numerous others. Frankly, too often they just bug me.

Now, I'm not saying that I don't necessarily like the message that they convey. For example, I think it's important to care for the environment. My family tries to cut down on garbage, drive less, and do what we can to be responsible in our own way. It's just one small example of people actually making real change. I actually know that I'm doing something as opposed to some nut who gets all worked up over depletion of the rainforests, or the seal hunt and does absolutely nothing.

When I don't agree, I have no problem with people going about their lives the way that they want to. If you want to eat only vegetables for the rest of your life, fine, more power to you. I'm going to keep eating the occasional steak because I happen to like it and you don't have the right to tell me what I should or shouldn't do. And before you counter with: What about the government? Yeah, I feel that it is more than reasonable to have limits placed upon society. I don't want some criminal being able to come and rob my home just because he feels like it. We have laws for a reason and it is our duty as responsible citizens to accept them, or work to improve what we can.

What bothers me about much of the activism I see today is just how much they flaunt it in our faces. They aren't content to just get the message out there. No, too often some movements rely on doing something crazy to get the attention they want. I'll point out PETA, as an example. One look at some of their TV ads and many will agree that they'll get their point across in a not so conventional manner. Unique, heck yes! Credible? Well... maybe not so much, especially when they use a skewed perspective and fail to acknowledge both sides of the issue.

You can't have an arsenal that is solely dependant on shock tactics and celebrity appeal. I think it's great that people care about... well.. what they care about. But I don't need the Paul McCartneys and the Pamela Andersons or some other activist to tell me that I'm some sort of inhumane dinosaur, a product of the system, and a bane upon this fragile world. You wanna get involved, fine, but you won't get any points in my book. Watch your own back and get off my case!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right. While activism is a good thing when used to inform people of issues that they may not otherwise be aware of, people take it way, way too far.

For example, I'm sick and tired of being harassed on campus and on Whyte ave by Greenpeace representatives. I would consider myself an environmentalist but I refuse to talk to those pushy asshats. That's not even going into the somewhat dubious nature of their organization in general.

5:19 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too hate seeing pushy poeple on the street who are overly-passionate about a cause. It's so annoying.

In fact, I'm considering moving to China where they thrown those kind of "asshats" in jail if they raise too much of a fuss.

12:01 a.m.  

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