Monday, February 13, 2006

Will We Ever Learn?

Without getting into too much of a repeat of one of my last posts, let me say that I for one support the decision made by the Western Standard to publish the Prophet Cartoons. I think that choice of the mainstream media to continue to treat us as individuals incapable of forming our own opinions is a huge mistake.

As I said before I do not advocate the position that individuals can go around saying and doing whatsoever they choose. With our cherished rights comes a degree of responsibility. Too many of us are unwilling to accept responsibility for that which we do. Each of these individuals are lazy and completely ignorant of how the world works. In my view, a majority of the ills of society could be avoided if we stopped pointing fingers so much.

In regards to the cartoons, I don't think that the powers that be should decide what I can and cannot see. This is the twenty-first century people, not the Dark Ages! Quit boasting about how advanced we are as a civilization only to turn around and take a babysitter approach towards citizens.

Naturally, the publication of these cartoons is going to make a lot of people angry. I say good... go ahead and get as mad as you want. It's your right and you no one can stop you. Then when you're done, maybe we can start having intelligent and meaningful debate and discussion about the issues involved. Maybe then we can talk about how we should respect and revere our religious figures. Maybe then we can realize just how stupid this whole thing has become and move on with our lives.

I have met many different people from all different walks and colours of life. I consider myself a very tolerant person and I try my best to keep an open mind when confronted with these sorts of touchy issues. If there is disagreement, there's no problem: we can easily agree to disagree and that's that.


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