Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Maybe Winter's Coming After All

As balmy as Edmonton has been for the past little while, it looks like we are about to wake up to the hard reality that is a Canadian winter. Temperatures looks like they're dropping faster than Liberal support during the last election (sorry, had to try to be funny). Am I bothered? Not really, and for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, this is the time in any student's life where any concept of reality is skewed by mid-term examinations. I myself have 4 mid-terms and another test to deal with in the next 48 hours. Anyone who has gone through the process before understands fully well what the effect can be when you try to remember (i.e. cram) as much as you possibly can in a very short space of time.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel though. When all is said and done I will escape the dominion of the U of A, and an incoming winter's chill, for the island of Oahu. My folks had their 25th Anniversary last year and have kindly offered to fly the whole family off to Hawaii for a much needed reading week. Altogether there will be nine of us: my parents, my sister and her husband, my two younger brothers still at home, and rounding it off is my own little family of three.

In that way, I really don't mind if it gets terribly cold here in the Great White North. I know it's pretty evil for me to think that way, but I can't help it. I been to the island a few times already and I love it!

I'll try (cough, cough) to think of everyone I know at home. Maybe if you're lucky, I'll have some pineapple on your behalf.


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