Friday, January 13, 2006

Tory Platform

The Conservatives (finally) unleashed their platform today. I glanced through the document and there are a lot of things I'm happy about such as the Accountability Act, increased defence spending, etc. I have to admit that it's been a tad surprising to see just how much spending there actually is. I'm no expert on fiscal policy but this is my own humble take on the situation.

I've skimmed through some of the other blogs and seen a variety of responses to the platform. Some have stated that it appears as if there's little to differentiate between Liberal and Tory policy. I tend to think that it's a bit more complicated.

Government looks like it just might remain somewhat large for the time being. However, I believe the Tories will make efforts to slowly reduce the size of the bureaucracy. The kinds of changes expected by the more conservative element within Tory supporters will take some time to implement. Canadians as a whole like big government... we like to know that we have a system in place to take care of our needs.

This is where politics comes in. Think of the outcry if Harper were to all of a sudden go on a slashing spree, cutting here and cutting there. In this country, it probably wouldn't fare too well among the general population, even though I happen to think that program cuts are not always a bad idea.

I'm not saying that the Conservative Party of Canada needs to sell-out to the socialist masses just to secure and maintain power. Let's just keep in mind that 13 years of rule by the Liberals have created certain expectations across the country. I say give the Tories some time to distance themselves from the previous regime. Before we start picking apart their platform, let's see what they can do about implementing it.


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