So here's to you, Mr. Robinson...
I really can't tell you how much it angers me when any Liberal pundit or hack gets all self-righteous when anyone else comments on one of the many scandals that have plagued this government. I watched an interview today that involved Mike Robinson, one of Paul Martin's advisors. When asked about the Income Trust affair he brushed it off and essentially said this was a non-issue, saying that it was the press who kept wanting to bring this up. When attacked by Joy MacPhail (another voice I tire of hearing) and/or David Frum, he pulled the innocent card and very regally questioned how these people would dare question the integrity of the Prime Minister. Sorry, Mike.... I don't trust him and I know a lot of other Canadians who don't either. You just aren't in a position where you can say that Canadians don't want to talk about these issues. You and every other Liberal are the ones who don't want to discuss the fact that time and time again you have betrayed the trust of Canadians from across this country. Maybe you should start advising your boss to start taking more responsibility for what happens under his watch.
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