Thursday, January 19, 2006

The Gap Narrows

It seems the Libs have finally got into their groove. I will hand it to Martin, he has looked much more rejuvenated as of late. The only thing that would make him look even better was if he started talking about policy instead of of that "don't vote for anything else but me" garbage. Yes, it's an election and yes, you try to earn support. It's an insult to the intelligence and integrity of Canadians when the best you can do is scare people into not voting for your opponents.

Am I worried? No. Polls are snapshots and tells a brief story into this election. Yes they show that Martin is gaining some ground, albeit for the first time in weeks. However, it's embarassing that the leader of our country enjoys much of his success spreading lies and throwing crap at the fan.

He reminds me sometimes of Grand Moff Tarkin in Episode IV of Star Wars. Yes... Grand Moff Martin with his "Fear will keep the local [people] in line" schtick.

If this is really the best that he can do, if this is really how desperate he is to be Prime Minister for just a while longer, I only hope he gets what he deserves: a swift electoral boot to the rear!


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