Let the Mayhem Begin
I'm actually kind of glad to see things moving with the election again. Phase 2 of the campaign, as it's often been called, produced some very different starts among the various parties. From articles I've read and interviews I've watched, it seems much of the talk has been centered on how close this election is becoming. The Conservatives have the momentum right now and I think for very good reason. They've run a solid campaign so far and I really believe that more and more Canadians are starting to take a look at what the Tories are offering.
I had a good laugh when I heard some of Paul Martin's attacks. The Libs just can't resist pulling up the ghosts of the past. I mean, come on... "Don't vote for that other guy because he's different and a long time ago he said these nasty things." That's like me back in elementary school, pulling out the "you're not invited to my birthday party" card. In my opinion, it just doesn't show a great deal of vision. Let's talk about policy, guys. I'm sure Paul's said more than his share of dumb things in his day. The fact that the Liberals are relying on old sound bytes suggests to me that they're having a hard time coming up with things to criticize from today.
As for the new Conservative 'attack ads,' I happen to really, really like them. I like them far better than the first ads that were coming out. I think the new ad is quite unique, and catchy to boot. It uses words from the 'Honorable' Prime Minister, headlines from a national newspaper, and a report from a judge to get their point across. Let's not forget that a lot of Canadians have been upset by what the Libs have done. Frankly, I find it amazing that despite all that's happened there a still so many who are willing to support them. I think you'd be pretty hard pressed to find another devloped democracy that would permit the continued governance of such a corrupt entity.
I think the Libs are starting to scramble a little bit and rightly so. For the first time in more than a decade they are facing the very real prospect of losing and having to account for their actions while in power. The call for change is getting stronger and I look forward to seeing it happen.
I had a good laugh when I heard some of Paul Martin's attacks. The Libs just can't resist pulling up the ghosts of the past. I mean, come on... "Don't vote for that other guy because he's different and a long time ago he said these nasty things." That's like me back in elementary school, pulling out the "you're not invited to my birthday party" card. In my opinion, it just doesn't show a great deal of vision. Let's talk about policy, guys. I'm sure Paul's said more than his share of dumb things in his day. The fact that the Liberals are relying on old sound bytes suggests to me that they're having a hard time coming up with things to criticize from today.
As for the new Conservative 'attack ads,' I happen to really, really like them. I like them far better than the first ads that were coming out. I think the new ad is quite unique, and catchy to boot. It uses words from the 'Honorable' Prime Minister, headlines from a national newspaper, and a report from a judge to get their point across. Let's not forget that a lot of Canadians have been upset by what the Libs have done. Frankly, I find it amazing that despite all that's happened there a still so many who are willing to support them. I think you'd be pretty hard pressed to find another devloped democracy that would permit the continued governance of such a corrupt entity.
I think the Libs are starting to scramble a little bit and rightly so. For the first time in more than a decade they are facing the very real prospect of losing and having to account for their actions while in power. The call for change is getting stronger and I look forward to seeing it happen.
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