Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Working Too Hard

Here's an interesting piece from the Houston Chronicle talking about how some scientists are concerned that we may have been a little too eager to prove that climate change/global warming is the problem that many in society like to think it is. Don't get me wrong because I certainly don't deny the fact that our activities are certainly having an impact on the world and or that we could do for some positive change in our environmental habits. However, to attribute all our climate problems to greenhouse gases is a tad excessive in my book.

It kind of reminds me when I was in elementary school. Back then I was told with my fellow impressionable students that the "hole" in the Ozone layer was growing so fast that by the year 2000 we'd only be able to go outside if we were wearing fur coats or some variation of space suit. Well, we all know that that didn't really happen. Most people are fine with a little sunscreen and some common sense.

There's nothing wrong with drawing attention to growing problems. There is a huge problem when that message is blown out of proportion compelling so many to join in on the fun or risk the consequences.


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