Monday, December 12, 2005

Beer and Popcorn

I wrote a final exam this afternoon in Canadian history. I think it's fair to say that when most people are aked what they know about Canadian history, most will simply say something about natives and fur-trading. This course convered up until Confederation and I found it not only informative but also interesting. I'm glad I had this opportunity to learn more about my own country. I think it's a shame that more of us don't take that chance.
Lots of people have been talking about Scott Reid's recent comments about how parents would simply use the Conservative-proposed Child Care allowance on "beer and popcorn." I have a couple of problems with a comment like this, especially on this particular issue. My wife and I have naturally been somewhat interested in the various child care policies proposed by the various parties. Being a parent myself, I am thrilled with the Conservative idea to allow parents to have a greater ability to choose. I don't want anyone, especially the Liberal Party of Canada, telling me how I have to raise my kids.
The fact of the matter is that the Libs say that parents should be putting their children into institutionalized daycare. If you do that, you will be able to access the fruits of the billions of dollars they will pour into this remarkable program... bla bla bla. On the other hand, if you are in a situation where that simply isn't an option, or if you choose not to use the system, there is no support whatsoever for you. My wife wants to be a stay at home mom because SHE wants to be the one raising our kids, not some stranger. The Libs fail to recognize that regular 9 to 5 daycare won't work for everyone, and they make little efforts to even acknowledge the realities for stay-at-home parents, as well as other situations where families simply can't utilize these kinds of programs.
What people like Scott Reid and Paul Martin don't realize is that there are plenty of parents out there who, if given the chance, would do anything to be able to spend more time with their families. Of course, the reality is that more and more families have two incomes, but instead of offering something to perhaps help people change that, they simply say "It's our way, or the highway."
Once again the Liberals have shown just how arrogant they can be. In my mind, there is nothing wrong with allowing individuals the ability to choose. I've often been told that God knows how dumb we can be sometimes, and yet he allows us to make our own decisions. Choice empowers us and gives us a greater appreciation for what's available to us. Until the Libs understand that, just go back to your popcorn folks.


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